Childhood obesity – a new threat in modern age

Babies who gain weight quickly during the first 6 months of life may be more prone to obesity as baby, Harvard researchers report. We need to start our preventive methods when children are their tender age. Even in the first couple of weeks of life, we can start guiding their parents about how to prevent rapid weight gain in their infants.

While previous research has shown a link between birth weight & child obesity, the impact of factors such as length of gestation, height & lifestyle of babies’ mom were often not considered.

Researchers found that those who increased their body-mass index (BMI) during their first 6 months were more likely to be classified as obese at age 3. At present, most guidelines around obesity management recommend that we start assessment & treatment of children after the age of two.

Nearly a third of adults in the USA are obese. Obese people are 10% to 50% more likely to die of all causes. In the year of 2000, the obesity epidemic cost the U.S. health system 117 billion USD.

The key indication came from the study is the importance of better education about feeding infants. We need to study mother & infant relationships as other studies have shown when there is a lack of a bonding during feeding, infants will change what they eat. In addition, we need to see if weight gain during pregnancy is a factor.

Still we have a lot of questions about the reason of rapid infant weight gain results in obesity later on. We need more research to identify the factors acts behind childhood obesity.
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