World’s first halal nail polish for muslim women

halal nail polish
A breathable halal nail polish created as a less harmful alternative to regular nail varnish has become a surprise hit among Muslim women. The polish looks trendy & making it interesting to Muslim women. It is said to be halal & provides no obstacle for women who want to complete their wudu (ablution) before the daily prayers.

Nail polish is considered contradictory with wuhu because of the physical layer it creates over the nails. This stops water from cleansing the nails which is a pre requirement for wudu. Thus, a woman would have removed her nail polish every time she needs to renew her wudu which may mean removing & re-varnishing several times a day. For this reason, some women put nail polish on after finishing the last prayer of the day before going out & then take it off again before next prayers. Others simply refuse to go through the trouble of getting a manicure that will not last long.

Inglot – a renowned cosmetic company claims that it manufactured the world’s first wudu-friendly halal nail polish. As nail polish is relatively modern creation, it remains obviously unaddressed by early Islamic think tank. But the general consensus in the Islamic community is that praying with nail polish is impermissible because of the waterproof barrier it creates on nails & prevents the wudu ritual from being completed five times a day.

 Inglot’s Breathable halal nail polish line, similar to breathable contact lenses, is prepared by a breathable polymer that allows oxygen & water vapour to leak through to the talons. Inglot’s tapping into the market of halal nail polish is something of a goldmine – no doubt, a strategic, lucrative move. Frankly, every muslim woman thinks that the discovering of 02M Breathable polishes constitutes the entire sum of their current happiness.
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