Sexting, a risky practice

Sexting, a risky practice
What can lead a teenager to send a highly sexualized image of yourself to your partner or someone who wants to flirt using mobile phone? This is what we ask those who are waiting for a healthy relationship of children with technology. This is what leads kids and kids today practicing sexting in its most common form?

According to the study on security and privacy in the use of Spanish mobile services , carried out in collaboration INTECO and Orange Observatory and published in 2010, in Spain 8 out of 10 adolescents aged 15 to 16 years has its own mobile phone, with the that the majority (over 88%) takes pictures, sends to others (48.2%) and published on the Internet (20.8%).

Extending this approach to the age group of 10-16 years, the possession of a mobile terminal occurs in 2 out of 3 Spanish minor. The research conducted in this study also indicates that 4% of children in this age group say they have used their phone to make himself photos or videos in a provocative position (not necessarily nudity or erotic). And the percentage is twice (8.1%) in the case of those who claim to have received these girls or boys contents known.

Therefore, this phenomenon there is an observable reality, moreover, is not unique to minors. Also famous people have done it and it is a phenomenon itself as global as Network Is a fashion, is an accident, is a consequence of our times? Why do they do it?

The answer is not easy because it is a recent practice on which there are no large studies what remains speculation guided by observation. And speculating ... can merge one or more of these factors:

1) They think that a picture on a mobile terminal is safe and are not able to project, to imagine, the various ways in which that can leave the device image. A theft, a mistake, a joke, a lost ... or the will of the owner.

2) fully rely on discretion, but professed eternal love, by the consignee of the shipment. They lack life experience enough to invite them to think that things in life change by very different factors.

3) They feel some peer pressure that leads them to gain notoriety and acceptance in this context, digital, so important to them. This, added to the fullness hormone, can cause undesirable combinations.

4) The distance influences and social models of modesty. The exhibition of sex or nudity by non-professionals, common, abundant on the Web If anyone can see anonymous intimacy through the network, it does not seem so severe that one appears in this manner. The "desnudeo" is common, standardized to some extent.

5) They ignore the consequences for your life can have the fact that this image is publicly committed.

6) Natural perceived lack of risk associated with adolescence and the spirit of transgression trigger certain challenges. In some cases it is just fun, in others, serves to flirt or to other content to a relationship.

Anyway, the result of this practice can lead to serious problems ranging from loss of privacy and loss of image and honor to the victimization itself within a spiral of cyberbullying .

Precisely in order to raise public awareness about the phenomenon of sexting and warn of the risks they pose, and PantallasAmigas INTECO have jointly submitted the "Guide to teens and sexting: what it is and how to prevent it" . In this guide, children and adults may find some tips and recommendations to identify and minimize possible negative effects sexting. In addition, the guide provides guidelines for action in the event of incidents and provides a series of links, where the reader can find additional information about the phenomenon.
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