One of the proofs
that I often like to cite as to the fact that diamonds are not at all an
investment-worthy commodity, but rather a retail product, is the system by
which they are priced.
For all diamonds,
there are a few basic universal rules. First of all, diamonds are all
priced per carat. So, lets say a 0.50 carat diamond has a
price of $1400 per carat (that would be around a G/H SI1/SI2 at
wholesale). So that diamond’s price for the stone would be $1400 * 0.50,
or $700. Secondly, diamond prices per carat increase as you
jump up to higher weight categories. Therefore, diamond
prices increase exponentially with weight, since their prices increase both due
to the increased weight and due to the higher price per carat for the increased
weight category. I stress categories, because you might mistakenly
believe that prices per carat increase smoothly as weight is increased, but
this is not the case. Since diamonds are a retail product driven more by
emotion than reason, a 0.99ct diamond is worth only about 1% more than a
similar diamond weighing 0.98ct. But a 1.00ct diamond is worth about 20%
more than a similar 0.99ct diamond. Why is that? Maybe because now
you can say it’s a “one carat diamond,” or maybe because now it’s three full
digits. Who knows. But with diamonds, it’s all about feelings.
This little quirk about the business is the sole reason there are so many
poorly cut diamonds out there. You could imagine very easily that if
there’s a 20% price jump from a 0.99ct diamond to a 1.00ct diamond, the cutter
who looses that 0.01ct trying to make a prettier stone will lose his job.
Perhaps with the nicer cut it will only be worth 15% less instead of 20%, but
either way, it’s a big loss.
This kind of price
manipulation by maintaining weight categories has been taken to an extreme by
many of the world’s largest diamond companies. They will take rough
diamonds with diameters that really should have only been used to make a
0.75ct-0.85ct diamond (with the proper cut to maximize brilliance), but instead
will keep them over 0.96ct to sell them as 1ct diamonds to the major jewelry
chains like Kay or Zales. Even though they will have to sell these
diamonds at steep discounts compared to well cut 1ct diamonds, they are still
sold at a significant premium to well made 3/4ct diamonds.
See the charts below for a graphical representation of this price jumping phenomenon.

What is the Rapaport Price List?

The Rapaport Diamond
Report price list (“Rap List”) is released weekly on Fridays, however it does
not necessarily change every week. It is used as a baseline for pricing
for basically all loose diamonds sold as single individual stones (as opposed
to diamonds sold in parcels) generall SI3 or better in clarity and K or better
in color (although the price list does offer prices for L and lower colors and
I1 and lower clarities, they are rarely used in the industry). Rarely
will you see a diamond with an I1 clarity grade sold with a certificate.
As I discussed in the Truth about Clarity article, it is no small matter that James
Allen has decided to sell GIA certified I1 diamonds online. There are
very few places that do this. Intelligent companies in the industry never
sell GIA certified I1 diamonds because they know they can sell them for more
without the the certificate (and therefore without using the Rapaport diamond
price list as the baseline). Whenever they receive an I1 clarity grade
for a diamond which they had intended to receive an SI2, we will simply throw
out the certificate and pretend it didn’t exist.
If you click on the
image of a sample “Rap List,” you will see four separate grids. Each one
is for a different size category. The four categories shown on this
sample are 0.90-0.99, 1.00-1.49, 1.50-1.99, and 2.00-2.99. Each grid is a
matrix of color against clarity. To find the “Rap Price” for a given
diamond, you need three pieces of information: the size category, the color,
and the clarity. Prices listed are always in hundreds. Lets say,
for example, that you have a 1.55ct H color SI1 clarity diamond. So the
“Rap Price” for that diamond would be $7,600 per carat.
But finding the Rap
Price for your diamond is only the beginning of pricing a diamond. The
real art of diamond pricing is figuring out the discount or premium
to the Rap Price. In the vast majority of situations, diamonds trade at a
discount to the Rap Price. It is this figure that two diamond dealers
will haggle over. Lets stick with our 1.55 H color SI1 clarity diamond
example. Those three qualities (color, clarity, and weight) only bring
you to the baseline. Now things become much more subjective.
Factors that might come into play in determining the discount off of the Rap
Price might include: Fluoresence, Cut, Inclusion quality, Luster of the diamond
material, and Color Quality. So if that diamond were an excellent cut and
the SI1 was a beautiful SI1 that was way off on the side of the diamond and
barely visible and the H color really looked like a G, and there was no
fluoresence, then the diamond might trade at -20% or even -15% less than the
Rap Price (in diamond jargon, this would be called “20 back” or “20
below”). This is the figure that is argued over. So while a seller
might try to sell this diamond at “15 back,” a buyer might only wish to buy it
for “20 below.” To calculate the actual price, you need to reduce that
percentage from the Rap Price. So in our example, “20 below” $7,600 per
carat is $7,600 * (100%-20%), or $7,600 * 0.80, which comes to
$6,080. Then you need to multiply that price by the weight to arrive at
the final per diamond price ($6080 * 1.55 = $9,424).
Now, take another
look at the sample “Rap Sheet” from before. Take a close look. Notice
anything odd? The differences between adjacent prices in each matrix are
very far from being uniform. For example, the difference between a 1ct G
color VS2 clarity diamond and a 1ct H color VS2 clarity diamond is a full
$1000. But the difference between the same G VS2 and a 1 ct F VS2 is only
$500! Don’t ask my why this is. The diamond business is rarely
built on rhyme or reason. A skilled diamond dealer, though, can help you
navigate these inconsistencies to find the sweet spots of value within this
pricing grid. In our case, for example, it’s clearly not worth it to
upgrade from an H color VS2 clarity to a G color VS2 clarity since it costs so
unreasonably much to make that upgrade. And anyway, as I mentioned in the
Truth about Color article, color upgrades are rarely worth the money.
One interesting
outcome of the entire business being based on the Rap List is that far too much
weight is given to color and clarity in determining price. Objectively
speaking, and G color SI1 clarity that is an ideal cut with a pleasently laid
out inclusion will be a prettier diamond than a G color VS2 clarity with an
average cut. If we continue with this case, lets say for a 1 ct diamond,
a G SI1 that was an ideal cut (and everything else was fine), the price would
be approximately “25 back,” or $6100*0.75 = $4575 per carat. But a
G VS2 with an average cut might go for “35 back,” or $7200*0.65 = $4680.
By all accounts, the “25 back” SI1 is a much much prettier diamond than a “35
back” VS2, yet the VS2 is still more expensive. This is why it is so
crucial to have someone helping you along the way specifically regarding how to
value the different factors that go into pricing a diamond. If someone
knows what they are doing, they can really find tremendous value out there.
What about diamonds priced without the Rapaport Price List?
Just about all other
diamonds that are not certified, and therefore not sold as single diamonds, are
sold according to a “parcel price.” This is a price per carat for the
weight of diamonds purchased, irrespective of the number of diamonds
selected. Since there is no list dictating baseline prices, understanding
these prices is far more nuanced and therefore requires years of experience to
truly understand a parcel’s value. In fact, at Leo Schachter, there were
no employees who were experts in all shapes and sizes. Parcel diamond
pricing is so complex and demanding of experience, that the company was broken
up by size and shape to allow managers to become experts in their limited
field. There was a manager for princess and emerald cuts, round cuts
0.90ct and above, round cuts below 0.90ct, and other fancy shapes.
This is not so
relevant for most of you, since you are better off buying a certified
diamond unless you have someone you can trust completely who can sell you an
uncertified diamond.
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