Late period; Is it normal?

Late period
A girl's period, also known as menstruation, begins about two to two & a half years after her first signs of puberty. Usually breast development is the first sign of puberty, but sometimes pubic hair observed to come first. Girls normally get their first periods between the ages of eight & fifteen. Yet, it is observed that some girls start puberty a little earlier or later than others.

Evidence you can take to figure out when you might get your period is to check your underwear for vaginal discharge. This clear & whitish, mucus-like discharge generally appears about six months to a year before the first period does.

You can also ask your mother how old she was when she got her first period. Girls who get their first period later than average often find that their mothers or other female relatives also went through puberty later than average.

Just because you are 14 & have not got your period yet does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong with you. Some girls, though, might not be getting their first periods for few other reasons. Sometimes girls do not get their periods because of hormone imbalances. Girls who are underweight or who have eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa may notice a delay in the beginning of their first period. Girls who are very athletic might not get their periods until they stop exercising or competing so vigorously. Again, severe stress or certain illnesses also can delay menstruation. Sometimes Late period is observed for a girl who has had sex to become pregnant before she gets her first period.

If you have questions or you are more concern about your late period, talk to your doctor. Let your doctor know if you do not get your period by the time you are 15, or by 3 years after you started puberty.
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